Collaborative Research,
Community Engagement

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) calls Prevention Innovations Research Center’s evidence-based strategies the “gold standard” in prevention and response.

Developed by experts at University of New Hampshire Prevention Innovations Research Center (PIRC), the uSafeUS Mobile App is the all-in-one tool colleges and universities can use to ensure compliance and support campus sexual and relationship violence, harassment, and stalking prevention and response. Founded in 2006, PIRC is internationally recognized for its collaborative research and community engagement focused on ending all forms of sexual violence.

Nationally recognized by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, the C. Peter McGrath Foundation, the NH Charitable Foundation, and the NH Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence.

One of three university research centers identified in the White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault; asked to administer national study as part of this effort.

Regularly tapped by top universities and secondary schools, Fortune 500 companies, federal legislators, and the U.S. Military for research and expertise in addressing sexual and relationship violence, and creating safe, equitable work and learning environments.

PIRC’s evidence-based initiatives, including Bringing in the Bystander® and Know Your Power®, are in use at over 500 colleges and high schools, as well as the U.S. Army.

Scientifically Developed by Experts

uSafeUS is the only scientifically developed campus safety app currently available that provides both sexual and relationship violence, harassment and stalking prevention and post-violence response features to support survivors and connect students with on- and off-campus resources 24/7.

The app was developed under the leadership of nationally recognized researcher Sharyn Potter, PhD, MPH whose work has been published in American Journal of Public Health, Harvard Review of Psychiatry, Violence Against Women, Military Medicine, Journal of Primary Prevention, Journal of Technology in Human Services, Journal of Interpersonal Violence, and American Journal of College Health to name a few.

Meet the Team

  • Sharyn Potter

    Sharyn Potter, PhD, MPH

    Executive Director of Research

  • Kimberly Hobbs

    Kimberly Hobbs, BS

    Manager of App Development

  • Lynn Levey

    Lynn Levey, JD, MA

    Former Title IX Coordinator and Asst. Dean of Students; Justice Reform Practitioner